EESI-Digi: Educational Empowerment and Social Inclusion of students with disabilities through Digital Solutions and Assistive Technologies
Project Ref. №: 2021-1-EL01-KA220-HED-000027605
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://eesidigi.com/
This project aims to promote social inclusion and improve access to higher education students with fewer opportunities, especially targeting students with disabilities. The project aims to create an inclusive educational environment that fosters fairness and equality and responds to the latest technological requirements, transforming digital tools from barriers into support tools for study completion and skills acquisition for students with disabilities

VELA - VET Empowerment through innovative and inclusive Learning Approaches
Project Ref. №: 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000032964
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://vela-project.eu/it/home-it/
The aim of the project is to build a more sustainable and resilient society in the EU by improving education and training after the pandemic crisis, supporting innovation and inclusion of vulnerable groups, supporting vocational training organisations to face the new post-pandemic scenario by developing and implementing new and more inclusive and relevant teaching and learning approaches, and empowering vulnerable groups to face the challenges presented by the recent and sudden shift to online and distance learning.

Talking Hands: Online Platform for Learning Sign Language
Project Ref. №: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000088507
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://www.prismonline.eu/talking-hands/
“Talking Hands” aims to develop an open, flexible online platform for everybody who would like to learn basic elements of sign language. Although there are specialised schools that offer sign language lessons to relevant stakeholders, there is a lack of learning materials freely available online, as most of them are in books and this is not easy because one needs to see the signs a teacher is making through motion to comprehend them. Hence, the provision of lessons of sign languages needs to be improved, especially for adults who are relatives or friends of a deaf person and cannot afford to take full time formal education sign language lessons, or for deaf persons who seek non-formal education resources. In this regard, it is important to note that our platform will not be addressed to interpreters or other experts who have formal learning opportunities available.

GE4YOUTH: Global Education for Youth Workers
Project Ref. №: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028632
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://ge4youth.eu/
To create specific training tools to enable youth workers to engage directly, at least potentially, with each young person (especially with those at risks of exclusion for social or economic reasons, or for cognitive or physical disabilities) in an individual and group way. The main object is to prevent the marginalisation of youngsters at risk of exclusion (especially the disabled, youth of immigrant background, Roma).

DIGITABILITY-Promoting people with disabilities’ employment by enhancing their digital skills and competences to support a remote working scheme.
Project Ref. №: 2022-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000087590
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: http://www.digitability.eu/
DIGITABILITY Project’s vision is to promote people with disabilities’ employment by enhancing their digital skills and competences to support a remote working scheme through the development of a more digital resilient educational scheme for both training providers and trainees. In this view, VET providers and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) associations will be equipped with useful tools (Training Course, VET Trainers Certification, Open Learning Platform) to effectively respond to their stakeholders’ needs and will provide its trainers with improved knowledge for delivering training to people with disabilities.

PRODIGY-Promoting Disability Inclusion in emergency response in the World of Work
Project Ref. №: 2022-1-PL01-KA220-VET-000087639
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: http://www.prodigy-project.eu/
The general objective of the PRO.D.I.G.Y project that we would like to achieve is to promote the use and adoption of AR/VR
solutions to assist disabled people, first responders and companies during workplace emergencies to increase the safety of
people with disabilities.Acquired Emergency Preparedness Training would offer people and companies ways to prepare and
be protected during unexpected workplace emergencies.

Project Ref. №: 2021-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000034670
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://www.onat4all.eu/
ONAT4all aims at creating the suitable environment to contribute to re-boost EU tourism value chain providing tourism SMEs, in nature and adventure tourism, as well as outdoor activities, with proper knowledge, competences and skills to deal with accessibility to attract tourists with disabilities as important segment of the market, at local, national, EU and international level.

Project Ref. №: 2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000032999
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://microhub.erasmus.site/
The MICROHUB project aims at developing innovative digital training solutions to enhance the effectiveness and competitiveness of crafters’ and artisants microenterprises, especially in the context of participation to national and EU markets.

ADILE- Accesible Distance Learning
Project Ref. №: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000033434
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://www.adileproject.eu/
The general objective of our project is to promote the empowerment and social inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities (PWDs), by promoting the accessibility of ICT tools for distance learning. ADILE also wants to contribute to the removal of social barriers and obstacles, through learning activities aimed at promoting civic education in a logic of inclusion for PWDs.

Project Ref. №: 2020-1-EL01-KA204-079196
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://access4allerasmuska2.eu/
ACCESS4All is a project whose focus is on people with disabilities and their equal access to all aspects of life; the project’s primary goal is to help people with disabilities to have conventional access to their fundamental human rights so that they can have more employment opportunities as well as to enjoy equal and active participation in cultural and social life. ACCESS4All supports, in an integrated and holistic approach, the capacity building of key-factors/players concerning and dealing with disability in society.

Project Ref. №: 2020-1-BE01-KA227-ADU-082708
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: http://culturact.eu/
Art & Culture can transform people’s lives, they offer opportunities in building stronger ties between groups and individuals. Use of cultural and artistic creative processes as a tool for social and labour inclusion is more than relevant specially in those days marked by COVID-19 and its consequences on health, social and economic life.
Thus, CULTUR’ACT project aims to empower vulnerable adults and youngsters (trainees in formal, informal & non formal settings including women and migrants) using Art & Culture activities/processes.

Smart Solutions for the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education - SSSDH-HE
Project Ref. №: 2020-1-LV01-KA203-077455
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://sssd-he.liepu.lv/
SSSD-HE aims to build inclusive higher education systems, social inclusion, and innovative practices in a digital era. The project will develop service systems of digital assistive technologies and incorporate them into higher education processes. It will promote the inclusion of students with disabilities in higher education and address the diversity in education by promoting social inclusion.

Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://pzn.org.pl/brakujacy-element-cyfrowy-pomocnik-dla-niewidomych-i-slabowidzacych-digivett4vip/
The main goal of the Italian-Polish project is to develop a guide for IT specialists and other specialists who support visually impaired people working remotely in the field of efficient remote technical support. Such assistance may be provided by employers, organizations working for the blind and other interested persons or institutions.
Support can be provided to employees, but also more broadly, to people who use electronic equipment at home for personal purposes, e.g. for shopping, bank account maintenance, social contacts, etc.
As part of the project, international partner meetings (off-site or online) are carried out, and at the end of the project, a meeting disseminating the project results will be held in each country.
Interpretation of the Invisible Heritage - a program improving the competences in the field of non-formal education for the blind and visually impaired
Project number: 2019-1-PL01-KA104-064545
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2019-1-PL01-KA104-064545
Activities aimed at activating blind people in non-formal education are a popular trend related to the implementation of the tasks of accessibility of culture and public facilities. Using culture and its reception as an external stimulus, we involved blind and visually impaired people in activities related to the interpretation and accessibility of cultural heritage. These people, under the guidance of their mentors, acquired not only historical, but also spatial knowledge about the heritage site in question. These individuals then became “guides” for sighted audiences to show them a completely different perspective on how cultural heritage is viewed. This program is still a new item in the educational offer of the SWD, which is in the testing and improvement phase, also it is necessary to expand knowledge and learn about new tools and methodologies in this sphere.
Within the framework of the “Invisible Heritage…” program, there will be language courses and preparatory training, as well as trips, so-called job shadowing, which will be aimed at observing the work of foreign institutions that have knowledge and many years of experience in acting for the activation of blind and visually impaired people. Such trips will allow us to increase the quality, substantive value and influence the attractiveness of future programs implemented by SWD.
Ceramika - wspólne dziedzictwo Europy / Ceramics - the common heritage of Europe
Project number: 2022-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000072865
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2022-1-PL01-KA122-ADU-000072865
The implementation of this project should increase the competences of our organisation in building educational programms focused on EC key competence: „Cultural awareness and expression”. As NGO we will be able to build and propose to the local society of Pruszkow neighbourhood a new quality of educational offer. The offer that will combine both: practice and theory, to commemorate a local cultural hertitage – the factory called Zakład Porcelitu Stołowego Pruszków. Mobility participants will gain new knowledge from various multimedia presentations and will develop their skills during many workshops. As NGO we will fulfill our development plan and will follow our statutory foundations goals like education, culture promotion, heritage commemoration, local citizens animation and international cooperation.
Mold the world
Project number: 2020-1-PL01-KA105-080932
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2020-1-PL01-KA105-080932
The ‘Mold the world’ project is showing disabled youth their desires for the future. We want young people participating in the project to become aware of their own goals, dreams and what their future may look like. We want these goals to have a big impact on their lives. We also want to show the disabled how to set goals and pursue them. Our main goal is to search for our own professional path, as well as to counteract social exclusion, to take appropriate actions to promote tolerance and integration. Thanks to teamwork, participants will learn to share with others and discuss their dreams and desires. Participants will also be able to develop manually and creatively thanks to their participation in the project. And all this thanks to art workshops. They will learn various basic sculpting techniques and will be able to choose themselves in what technique they want to work and what they would like to present. The effects of the workshop will be presented during the exhibition “My dream world, my dream Europe”. Our project will promote the values of disabled people, strived for their artistic development, and increase self-esteem. Like all of us, the disabled want to be successful and make their dreams come true. We think this project is an ideal opportunity to meet their future needs.
CERAMIC-ALLY Ceramic for inclusive training purposes
Project number: 2016-1-PL01-KA202-026455
Programme: Erasmus+
Project website: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/projects/search/details/2016-1-PL01-KA202-026455
Ceramic-ally project aimed at teaching and learning techniques including pottery decoration as a tool for training and social integration and as activities leading to inclusive learning environments.Ceramic-ally partnership addressed training actions for non-EU citizens or newly-arrived migrants and asylum seekers, it developed training paths for an inclusive educational approach in VET.Teachers and staff of organizations participating in this project on the basis of their previous individual experiences identified tools and work placement methods. These approaches were based on achieving work based learning, and producing tangible joint outcomes, training material and tools. The final products designed are easily accessible to trainers and teachers in other EU countries.The partnership chose ceramic as the central topic of the project with the purpose of exchange good practices, because working with clay offers the opportunity for each individual to participate in a practical creative process. The kind of group learning activity was relevant to the acquisition of social skills. It generated a feeling of wellbeing by the easiness of getting along well with others. It enabled communication and could even develop a sense of citizenship. The primary goal was to allow partner organizations to develop and reinforce EU networks for teaching and learning ceramic craft, increasing trainers and staff capacity to work at transnational level, sharing and exchanging ideas, improving knowledge about practices and ceramic crafts methods and inclusive teaching techniques. The partnership also produced tangible outputs such as: a video of the ceramic course implementation, an e-book on the workshops held in each partner country, and collective creations of objects that represent the partner country in the idea of the participating target groups. The objects created in the workshops were filmed and photographed to form a virtual exhibition on the project website that also documented the audience on how working the clay could be used as a means for inclusion, to share the culture of people with diverse background.The project partners were all actors involved in VET field. The partners came from PL, EE, PT, MT, IT, and most of them had already gained experience in the Program Erasmus +. One partner was a newcomer, but had experience in the specific field of CERAMIC craft. Working with ceramics has a value recognized historically worldwide: many migrants arriving to Europe know this craft. The project emphasized the relationship between the artisan/artist and his/her creations. It highlighted the real sense of “handmade” products and enhanced the development of creative abilities while fostering social inclusion. Our goal was to provide an occasion for Intercultural exchange through which mutual cultures, of locals and immigrants, can be known and valued.