WP2.1: EU Comparative Report, Ceramic making methodologies in the European Union
This European report compares the different experience of C.A.R.E partner countries in promoting ceramics in both educational and professional contexts. Ceramics is an old craft of great artistic and cultural value, and it has a lot of benefits for the learners. In fact, ceramic processing has both benefits for people’s physical health (e.g. it improves posture and ergonomics, it develops the touch, etc.) but also for psychological health, as it allows individuals to cooperate and foster team building.

WP2.2: Manual on how to start ceramic workshops for the development of psychomotor skills
This Manual aims to provide a series of guidelines and practical teaching models on how to conduct ceramic workshops with visually impaired young people, focusing on some fundamental aspects such as: exploration of emotions and psychological aspects, exploration of the body, strengthening of technical skills, enhancement of creativity, safety measures when working with the visually impaired, finding out new job opportunities etc.

WP2.3: Integration of non-formal education practices for the development of interpersonal and social skills
The handbook of non-formal educational activities provides educators and teachers with concrete ideas of group activities to promote cooperation among youngsters, counteracting social exclusion and valuing diversity within the group. These activities can be used for team building, to create the sense of belonging to a group. They can therefore be used at the start of ceramic workshops with both visually impaired (V.I) and not-visually impaired young people, in order to encourage collaboration as a key element for the success of the learning experience for all youngsters.

WP3.1: A complimentary handbook with specific guidelines on how to engage and fully connect with the V.I. learners
The “Handbook with specific guidelines on how to engage and fully connect with the V.I. learners” provides important and useful advice and recommendations for teachers, educators and trainers, who implement ceramic workshops with the V.I young learners, based on the specific needs expressed by the V.I young learners (learner-centered approach). Furthermore, this manual is related to the management of emotions, materials and risks.